The Best Keto Salad on the Go

The number one key to my success with following the ketogenic way of eating is to always be prepared with back up foods that are delicious and will fill me up without being carb heavy.

My favorite fast food keto salad is a Frisch's Cobb salad. It is full of flavor and by adding extra turkey and bacon it is full of of protein as well.  Since I don't like blue cheese I have them substitute with cheddar and then I add a small amount of their amazing dressing.

This salad is huge, especially with the extra meat! It's such a filling dinner and some times I even have leftovers. This whole salad comes in at just under 15g of carbs so it's perfect for an OMAD lifestyle as well!

What are you favorite fast foods to eat while doing keto? I'm always looking for more things to add to my list of go-to's!

My pink drink is better than yours.

One month ago I would have been chugging down cup after cup of coffee and complaining to everyone I know about how miserable and toxic my body felt. I would have struggled to get out of bed and rushed to get back in it.

One month ago I was 22 lbs heavier and whole lot less confident.

One month ago I was too ashamed to take pictures of me and my husband during a trip we had planned for years to go on.

A month later a lot has changed! I found my face again and I can get my wedding ring off if I need to. I have pants that fit comfortably now and don't cut off the circulation during the day. I don't get as winded walking up the stairs. I have more patience, less brain fog, and more energy and drive to do the things I love. I don't have to nap anymore. My gut health has improved dramatically and I no longer struggle with bloat and gas.

Following the ketogenic lifestyle, exercising 5x a week, and drinking my daily pure therapeutic ketones has drastically improved my life in a way that I can't explain. I'm not entirely sure how I got to the place I was at before but I know that I sure don't want to go back. 

Two pounds of torture

Oh. My. Gosh. Y'all.

About a year ago a friend of mine tried to convince me to start doing barre workouts with her. As much as I loved the idea, it just wasn't realistically possible since the barre was 45 minutes from my house. So instead I joined an online streaming service and decided I would try it at home. I lasted about 3 minutes before I gave up. 3 freaking minutes!

Four weeks ago I discovered that Beachbody had released a Barre Blend workout that combined barre, yoga, and pilates into one workout. The only equipment needed was a sturdy chair and 1-3 lb weights. I decided to try it and see how it compared to the workout I had previously tried.


4 weeks in and I'm amazed.  The combination of all the movements has sculpted my body in ways I didn't even know was possible. I had no idea that 2 lb weights could feel like 10 or that my legs could be shaking hard enough to level a building but still hold me up at the same time.

I am loving this!!!!
And to top it off there are times that Elise actually has me convinced I'm a ballerina (and that is the furthest thing from the truth!

The workouts go so fast but they are so productive and they WORK!

I am not affiliated with Beachbody in anyway, I just love love love this program. If you would like to find out more information you can find it here. 

Keto Beef Tacos

Taco Tuesday is a thing in our house and while my family is eating their meat and cheese with taco shells and tortillas I am over here whipping up this amazing looking thing! Here is my take on a keto-taco.

Iceberg lettuce
Ground beef (the more fat the better)
Cherry tomatoes
Cheddar cheese
Sour cream

Pile it on, roll it up, and devour!!!

My husband has even started enjoying his tacos this way and doesn't touch the tortillas anymore so I would say that's a win.

Do you have any other ways of modifying your favorite meals to be more keto-friendly? Share your ideas with everyone below!

Keto at ALDI!

Holy wowza y'all! I am usually Kroger Clicklist kinda girl. I love to sit on my couch with my weekly meal planner log and add item ...