Keto Beef Tacos

Taco Tuesday is a thing in our house and while my family is eating their meat and cheese with taco shells and tortillas I am over here whipping up this amazing looking thing! Here is my take on a keto-taco.

Iceberg lettuce
Ground beef (the more fat the better)
Cherry tomatoes
Cheddar cheese
Sour cream

Pile it on, roll it up, and devour!!!

My husband has even started enjoying his tacos this way and doesn't touch the tortillas anymore so I would say that's a win.

Do you have any other ways of modifying your favorite meals to be more keto-friendly? Share your ideas with everyone below!

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Keto at ALDI!

Holy wowza y'all! I am usually Kroger Clicklist kinda girl. I love to sit on my couch with my weekly meal planner log and add item ...